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assign us a job or get a free quote

Getting your designs digitized or converted into vector art with Stitching Hobbit is conveniently simple and easy.

Just send us your artwork attached with an email to stitchinghobbit@gmail.com

Please include any details that you may have:

  • Your required file format
  • Fabric on which the design would be sewn
  • Number of colors or threads to run
  • Height or width of required artwork
  • Any additional instructions such as thread trims, limiting number of stitch count etc.
We usually finish a job within 12 to 24 hours, complex designs may take longer.
Please do not forget to:
  • Attach your artwork file with the email
  • Make sure emails from stitghinghobbit@gmail.com are not blocked in your junk/ spam settings.

Getting a quote

If you would like to get a quote first, please specify it in your email.

Stitching Hobbit will get back to you within 24hrs with a quote.

Please read our terms of service before placing an order with us.



Stitching Hobbit email